Code: Visual-Inertial Relative Pose Estimation for Aerial Vehicles
Driven by the need for portable and low-cost solutions to relative pose estimation between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), in this codebase you can find a new framework to track a master UAV in real-time, carrying a known constellation of LED markers, from a slave UAV without any other pose estimation capability. This software can be accessed external page here.
Users of this software are kindly asked to cite the following paper, where it was introduced:
Lucas Teixeira, Fabiola Maffra, Marco Moos and Margarita Chli, "VI-RPE: Visual-Inertial Relative Pose Estimation for Aerial Vehicles " in Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L / IROS), 2018. external page DOI external page E-citations

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