Open-source Software
This page lists software the ASL is developing or has released as open-source.
Standalone libraries
- external page libnabo, a fast K Nearset Neighbor library for low-dimensional spaces.
- external page libpointmatcher, a modular ICP library.
- external page ethzasl_message_transport, a generic plugin architecture for message transport.
- external page ethzasl_aseba,a bridge between ROS and ASEBA.
- external page ethzasl_icp_mapping, 3D mapping tools for robotic applications, currently ROS nodes for libpointmatcher.
- external page ethzasl_drivers, a collection of device drivers.
- external page asctec_mav_framework, a framework for data aquisition and position control to be used with the high-level processor of Ascending Technologies helicopters.
- external page ethzasl_ptam, a robustified and ROS-compatible version of PTAM.
- external page ethzasl_sensor_fusion, an EKF-based fusion framework.
- external page Structural Inspection Planner: Offline coverage path planner.
- external page Next Best View Planner: Receding horizon exploration and inspection planner.