Swimming Robots

Completed projects

The goal of this multi-disciplinary project is to provide unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage of key limnological parameters of Lake Zurich for a better understanding of the mass occurrence and population dynamics of the toxic cyanobacterium external page Planktothrix rubescens. We developped an Autonomous Boat equipped with a variety of sensors (temperature, pH, light, oxygen, nutrients, and algal pigments) to allow for the high-frequency monitoring of cyanobacterial spatiotemporal distribution. In parallel, we will develop and apply methods to rapidly assess the contribution of toxic strains to the P. rubescens population. The boat-generated field data will serve

  1. to create a lake basin-wide model of P. rubescens development in the context of physico-chemical parameters and
  2. to guide the specific (event-driven) manual sampling campaigns and subsequent laboratory analyses, such as strain typing, gene expression of microcystin production and single-cell detection of microcystin concentration.

This project is a collaboration between the external page Limnological Station from external page University of Zurich, and the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) fromETH Zurich. It will run for 3 years and will provide funding for one PhD at the ASL and one postdoc at the limnological station.

This project is funded by external page SNF.


Please note: The following content is only available in German.

Enlarged view: Nanins

Die Naro (NAutical RObots) Nanins sind Systembaukästen zur kreativen Arbeit mit bio-inspirierten Unterwasser-Schwimmrobotern. Durch spielerisches Lernen und durch die Kombination von wissenschaftlichen, technischen, konstruktiven und künstlerischen Komponenten werden mit Hilfe der Nanins verschiedene Fähigkeiten in den Bereichen Biologie, Mathematik, Physik, Informatik gefördert und diverse Problemstellungen anschaulich erklärt. Durch Wahl der Komplexität in der Aufgabenstellung gelingt es, Schülerinnen und Schüler von der Primarschul- bis zur Gymnasial-Stufe zu faszinieren und zu kreativen technischen Leistungen anzuspornen. external page Video

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